
Male Pattern Baldness (Hair Loss)/Androgenetic Alopecia

Herbal Monthly Relaxing In-Clinic Treatment

1st Webinar

Special Long Life Tablet used by Chinese Emperors with Hair Regrowth Function

04/10/2023 | Wednesday | 4:00 PM

Hair Health Herbal Tablet

Buy 5 get one Free

for people with our promotion code

(Valid 90 days)

Offer & Promotion Code will be provided following the webinar.

2nd Webinar

Fast Hair Regrowth Before Your Wedding — A real case study

01/11/2023 | Wednesday | 4:00 PM

Initial Consultation

$30 gift voucher giveaway

for people with our promotion code

(valid 90 days).

Offer & Promotion Code will be provided following the webinar.

3rd Webinar

Special Hair Health Shampoo and Conditioner – great for hair loss prevention and hair shaft repair and improved scalp health

06/12/2023 | Wednesday | 4:00 PM

20% Off

for people with our promotion code

(valid 90 days)

Offer & Promotion Code will be provided following the webinar.

Hair & Scalp Webinar and special offer each month every second Wednesday of the month, beginning at 4pm.

Feel Free to ask questions during the webinar.

If you miss the webinar as above, you can search the name of the webinar shown as above on YouTube.