Get it all for free

Hair Health Comb

valued at $22

Hair Health Shampoo

valued at $48

Hair Health Conditioner

valued at $48

That’s a total
value of $118

When you buy 12 bottles of Hair Health Tablets.

How To Receive Your FREE Products!

  • Purchase 12 bottles of Hair Health Tablets – don’t forget to keep your receipt.
  • Take your “Before Photos” – tips on how to best do this are included in this page.
  • Claim your $118 worth of Hair Health products – 1 x shampoo, 1 x conditioner and 1 x comb by following the instructions on the booklet registration form.
  • Make an appointment with our team of experts to have your free magnified hair photos taken.
    These photos are required later to professionally compare your “Before” and “After” photos! (Free of charge).

How Should I Take My First Set Of Photos?

When taking your – ‘Before Photos’, it’s important to make sure your whole head is captured. Pay special attention to any areas affected by thinning.
Failure to effectively capture all of your problem areas will make it difficult to follow your progress.

  1. Top Photo – Capture the whole topside of the scalp.
  2. Side Photos – Capture as much of the visably affected areas.
  3. Back Photo – Capture any thinning of the scalp, targeting the crown of your head.

We will not use any of your photos for promotional purposes without your formally signed consent.

You can send your receipt copy and ‘Before Photos’ using the form below.




    Your Email*

    Street Address*



    Post Code*

    Your Age*

    Name of where you purchased the products

    Your Gender


    Is this your first time consulting with us?


    Must see the whole thinning area of scalp. Separate the hair from the center with a comb, making a part in the middle and focus the camera shot on most affected area of the scalp.

    Front Photo 

    Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB

    Lift hair up near the temple with opposite hand to show the thinning area of the temple then look up. Focus the camera shot on most affected area.

    Right Photo   

    Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB

    Lift hair up near the temple with opposite hand to show the thinning area of the temple then look up. Focus the camera shot on most affected area.

    Left Photo   

    Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB

    Must see the whole thinning area of scalp, directly behind subject. Separate the hair from the center, making a part in the middle and focus the camera shot on most affected area.

    Rear Photo   

    Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB

    Note -: Please be sure to record the distance between your head and camera as you will need the exact same distance for your after photo comparison.

    Upload Your Purchase Receipt   

    Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB

    Any other comments?

    Alternatively, you can also send these:

    By email:
    Or by post: PO Box 138, Ormond, Vic., 3204, Australia

    How To Improve Your Results?

    Book your initial consultation with one of our Certified Trichologists who will explain the cause of your hair loss and your current hair loss level/stage as well as provide information about available treatments on the market for your specific condition.

    Our Herbal Follicular Activation specialists will give you advice tailored to your individual concerns.