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Why Do We Need Anti-Dandruff Treatment?
Dandruff is a skin condition that primarily affects the scalp. It is characterised by flaking skin and mild itchiness. Whilst its causes are not entirely known it is believed to be a result of various environmental and genetic factors. Contrary to mainstream belief, it is not caused by poor hygiene.
Skin layers replace themselves as part of a continuous, natural cycle, pushing cells outward to where they die and flake off. For those without dandruff this process is largely invisible as the flakes are too small to see. However, people who suffer dandruff have a rapid cell turnover resulting in the dead skin cells being shed in large, oily clumps appearing as white or greyish flakes. A more serious form of the condition is seborrheic dermatitis.
At the Australian Hair & Scalp Clinic we offer a safe and non-toxic way to treat dandruff. Our In-Clinic Anti-Dandruff treatment deeply cleanses the pores of your scalp and removes excess sebum oil, dirt and dandruff. It also detoxifies the scalp and nourishes hair follicles.
Professional Consultation Required
Before starting treatment a consultation with our Certified Trichologist is required to better understand your dandruff condition and our treatment process. During such an appointment, the Trichologist may suggest additional supportive treatment or perhaps a different type of treatment altogether.
Call 1800 001 101 or Click Here to book your initial consultation.
Did You Know?
There may be many different causes and stages of dandruff, and often a more detailed analysis is needed to provide the most appropriate treatment.
For this reason, a consultation with a Certified Trichologist is required.
Suitable Hair Care Treatment for Dandruff in Australia
Our certified Trichologists at Australian Hair and Scalp Clinics will recommend a treatment plan that meets your needs. They will offer a safe and non-toxic way to treat dandruff. Our Anti-Dandruff treatment cleanses the pores of your scalp and removes excess sebum oil and dandruff. It also detoxifies the scalp and nourishes hair follicles.
Our professionals may suggest additional supportive treatments such as Herbal Follicular Activation (HFA) and the use of our natural herbal products like shampoo, conditioner, tablets and tonic for effective hair follicle stimulation. These products are readily available and we ship to all areas of Australia.
Visit our website for more information on anti-dandruff treatment plans, or call 1800 001 101 to book your consultation.